
Article Bust the filibuster to save democracy
Article Our most important week yet
Article Bring your voice & values to Capitol Hill
Article Our democracy is under attack
Article Republicans are lying about Israel
Article The battle for the soul of our nation continues
Article Jewish Dems Welcome Ceasefire
Article Leadership Matters – Responding to Crisis in Israel
Article U.S. Support of Israel in Action
Article President Biden is Redefining Bipartisanship
Article 100 Days: “America is on the move again”
Article Black Lives Matter is a Jewish Value
Article Right-wing extremists don’t get to define the narrative on Israel
Article ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. End Racism and Hate
Article Prayers aren’t enough – it’s time for action
Article What President Biden Told Us About Healing from COVID
Article Bring your values to the Seder
Article A year of COVID – what we did and where we’re going
Article WE DID THIS – Elections delivered COVID relief
Article Democrats Delivered – Republicans Refused Relief
Article The Battle for our Democracy
Article Pursuing Justice & Defending Voting Rights 
Article Elections Matter – Take Action with JDCA
Article Five Takeaways from the Impeachment Trial
Article GOP Cowardice and Hypocrisy
Article Biden’s First Week on the Job
Article The Return of Leadership
Article A New Dawn in America
Article We Flipped the Senate, Witnessed Insurrection, & Democracy Prevailed
Article Jewish Dems 2020 Year in Review & Video

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