Press Releases

Press Release JDCA ACTION ALERT: Tell Congress to pass the Dream Act now
Press Release JDCA condemns anti-Semitic, harmful language from Palestinian Pres. Mahmoud Abbas
Press Release Martin Luther King’s work continues on this day and every day
Press Release Jewish Republicans called on to condemn Trump’s racist anti-immigrant comments
Press Release JDCA’s Feinberg asks DNC chair about midterm efforts
Press Release JDCA urges Congress to vote down Republican tax reform
Press Release JDCA congratulates AL Sen.-Elect Doug Jones
Press Release Happy Hanukkah from JDCA!
Press Release JDCA responds to Pres. Trump’s Jerusalem statement
Press Release JDCA congratulates Rep. Sander Levin (D-MI) on retirement
Press Release ACTION ALERT: JDCA opposes Republican tax ‘reform’ effort
Press Release A new chapter for Jewish Dems

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