Press Release

Jewish Dems Respond to Trump Remarks

August 5, 2019

In response to President Trump’s remarks earlier today, Halie Soifer, the Executive Director of the Jewish Democratic Council of America (JDCA), issued the following statement.

“It took President Trump two and a half years into his presidency to finally identify the scourge of hate afflicting our country as white nationalism. At the same time, he refuses to recognize or apologize for his own role in inciting, emboldening and legitimizing white nationalists with his hateful rhetoric. To blame mental health or video games for the epidemic of gun violence and the rise of white nationalism is to deny the truth, including the facts surrounding recent mass shootings, in which the perpetrators have repeated the president’s own xenophobic rhetoric.

“We must enact gun safety measures to protect Americans from gun violence, and we call on the Senate to immediately convene to vote on the gun reform legislation that passed the House in February. Additionally, we call on the president to stop his hateful and xenophobic rhetoric, and we reject his attempt to link gun safety measures to immigration reform. The president should focus on saving the lives of Americans, not on creating a false link between migrants seeking a better life and violence committed by domestic terrorists. This isn’t reality TV; it’s reality. Our lives and those of our children are at stake.”