Press Release

JDCA Responds to White House Social Media Summit

July 11, 2019

WASHINGTON – The Jewish Democratic Council of America (JDCA) today responded to today’s Social Media Summit at the White House. JDCA Executive Director Halie Soifer said the following:

“Today’s White House Social Media summit further highlights President Trump’s blatant disregard for decency and truth. While public pressure led to the revoking of anti-Semitic cartoonist Ben Garrison’s invitation, the president has chosen to elevate right-wing extremists who have used social media to espouse bigotry, hate speech, and conspiracy theories.

“The president’s continued vilification of a free press and disrespect for the First Amendment directly contradicts his defense of unfettered access to social media platforms for the far-right. We condemn the president’s embrace of extremists and are deeply concerned about the dangerous consequences it has had in stoking division in the United States along racial, religious, and ethnic lines.”