Press Release

JDCA Demands Disclosure of Full Mueller Report

April 18, 2019

WASHINGTION–The Jewish Democratic Council of America (JDCA) called on the Trump administration to release the full, unredacted Mueller Report to Congress and emphasized that the report in no way exonerates President Trump. JDCA Executive Director Halie Soifer said the following:

“We are deeply disappointed that the Trump administration chose to release a heavily redacted version of the Mueller Report that leaves many questions unanswered. The strength of our democracy depends on maintaining checks and balances, and Congress must have access to the full report in order to fulfill its constitutional duty to conduct oversight of the executive branch. We stand firmly behind House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.), who is expected to subpoena the Justice Department for Robert Mueller’s full report.

“According Robert Mueller, this report does not exonerate President Trump or members of his campaign and administration. If President Trump had nothing to hide, then the full report would have already been made public. Congress and the American people must have access to the entire report in order to consider the facts, and what Attorney General Barr provided is a selective interpretation of the truth.

“We are a democracy, not an autocracy, and no one is above the law, especially not the President of the United States.”
