Press Release

JDCA congratulates J.B. Pritzker on primary win

March 21, 2018

The Jewish Democratic Council of America (JDCA) congratulates J.B. Pritzker on his win Tuesday for the Democratic nomination for governor of Illinois. Pritzker, who handily won the Democratic primary, will face off against Republican incumbent Bruce Rauner, who narrowly survived a primary challenge from the much-more-conservative candidate Jeanne Ives — and that’s in a state where Hillary Clinton beat Donald Trump by 16 points in 2016. Given Ives’ strong challenge, will Rauner look to align more closely with Trump? Or will Trump voters stay home in the fall?

The enthusiasm of Illinois Democrats, who came to the polls in huge numbers, again shows the determination of voters to place the country on a different path. We are witnessing the start of a wave election, which come November could wrest control of Congress from Republicans. JDCA is fully engaged in this effort, and we are confident the results of our work will soon be apparent.