
OC Weekly: OC GOP and Rohrabacher Defend Backing Controversial School Board Candidate

September 21, 2018

Today, Halie Soifer, executive director of the Jewish Democratic Council of America (JDCA), blasted Rohrabacher’s endorsement of Larrea-Van Der Mark and cozy ties to Charles Johnson, an alt-right blogger and Holocaust minimizer who has given the maximum individual donation to the congressman’s re-election campaign.

“This is not the first time that Rep. Rohrabacher has aligned himself with those who deny the Holocaust, perpetuate racism and anti-Semitism, or align with the alt-right,” says Soifer in a statement. “These associations, combined with Rep. Rohrabacher’s deeply troubling ties with the Russian government, compel us to call on the Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) to repudiate Rep. Rohrabacher’s candidacy for Congress. Furthermore, we call on the RJC to endorse Rep. Rohrabacher’s opponent, Harley Rouda, who we believe will represent Jewish and Democratic values in Congress.

“As JDCA has previously stated, the only way to ensure that the numerous neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and Holocaust deniers–as well as those who sympathize with them–are not elected to Congress is to endorse and support their opponents. During these troubling times, all of us in the Jewish community must put partisan labels aside and confront those who perpetuate hatred and divisiveness in our country.”