
Next Year Together & In The White House

April 8, 2020

We at Jewish Democratic Council of America (JDCA) wish you a joyous and meaningful Pesach, though we know this Passover will be different than all others. While we’ll all have fewer seats and more screens at the table than previous years, we hope you find joy in Seder, including through technology that can bring us together.

As we end the Seder with l’shana haba’ah, we’re inspired by what next year might bring, and hope it will bring us together, with a Democrat in the White House. As this robust primary season draws to a close, we are proud to be Democrats and more excited than ever to get out the Jewish vote in support of a candidate who shares our values, Vice President Joe Biden.

Yesterday, we convened an inspiring Passover call focused on responding to adversity with politics, prayer, and music with JDCA’s Next Generation Leadership Council leaders including Rabbis Joel Simonds and Michael Latz, as well as Lauren Baer and NextGen Chair Josh Rolnick. Whether you were able to join us or not, we wanted to share some highlights with you, including Jewish musician Elana Arian’s song “I Have a Voice” to remind us all of the difference we can make in November.


Don’t miss our next call in our Democrats Leading in Crisis call series called “Pandemic Playbook.” The call will take place on Tuesday April 14 at 3pm ET with Jeremy Konyndyk, one of the leading experts on disaster response who helped to write the playbook on preparing for a pandemic while serving as the Director of USAID’s Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA), where he led the US government’s response to international disasters in the Obama administration, including the U.S. Ebola response in 2014. As we know, Trump threw the playbook out before our current crisis. Check out Jeremy’s “Now This” video explaining the response to COVID-19, and sign-up for the call below.


We are proud not only of what we do, but of how we do it: with a love and respect for Jewish values that is woven into our work. The story of Passover is one of not losing faith even when times are hard, and of taking action to make life better. Take action with JDCA today to join a state chapter, write to your member of Congress, and demand that no American be forced to choose between their health and right to vote. Click on our advocacy Seder plate below to visit our TAKE ACTION items and join a state chapter.

We hope you and your loved ones are safe and healthy, wherever they are, and that all of us use the holiday to refresh, reconnect, and return to the values that define us.

Chag Sameach,

Ron Klein
Chair, Jewish Democratic Council of America

Halie Soifer
Executive Director, Jewish Democratic Council of America