
JTA: More than 75 percent of Jews voted for Democrats in the midterms

November 7, 2018

Beyond being a good night for Democrats, who took control of the House of Representatives and won several governorships, Tuesday had good news for Jewish candidates. According to a spokesman for the Jewish Democratic Council of America, all 23 Jewish incumbents who ran for reelection — 21 of them Democrats — won.


Jews voted for Democrats at a higher rate than any religious group, according to the Pew Research Center. Pew reported that this year’s Jewish Democratic share was lower than during the last midterms under a Republican presidential administration, in 2006, when 87 percent of Jews voted for Democrats. But it was higher than in the most recent midterms, in 2014, when 66 percent of Jews voted for Democrats and 33 percent for Republicans. In 2016, 70 percent of Jews voted for Democrat Hillary Clinton and 25 percent voted for Trump.

Liberal Jewish groups are also celebrating. JStreetPAC, the political action committee affiliated with the liberal Mideast policy group, spent $5 million in midterm contributions and saw 128 of its 167 endorsees — all Democrats — win their races, including 22 new House members and 14 of 17 senators they endorsed. Forty-seven of the 58 candidates endorsed by the JDCA won.


“The 2018 midterm elections were a clear referendum on President Trump, and a rejection of his hateful policies and rhetoric,” JDCA Executive Director Halie Soifer said in a statement. “Jewish voters overwhelmingly and decisively rejected Republicans because they have enabled an agenda that is a betrayal of Jewish and American values.”