
How to build a post on the JDCA website

July 20, 2022

How to build a post on the JDCA website.

  • The title is public-facing and will be the name of the page
  • Add the text into the body
  • Rules about font: The website is very sensitive to font changes. If you use bold, italics, or change the size, it can mess up the template. Do not use No bold or italics.
  • The paragraph spacing is very tall. To create shorter spacing, hold down shift-enter on your keyboard.
  • Select the correct issue on the right hand side for the post. If there are more than one, select them all, prioritizing the main issue as ‘Primary’
  • Select the Catergoies on the right hand side. This sends the post into automatically updating feeds in the website.
    • Weekly Wrapups = all emails
    • The News = news hits
  • Add Media: Click add media in the top left. Drag and drop your image file or select the image to insert into the post. Add alt-text and submit.

A collage of Jewish Dems with Hillary Clinton

  • SEOs: Below the body you will see a tab for SEO. SEOs stands for Search Engine Optimization. Filling out this info correctly helps people get directed to the page online
    • Every post should have a score of orange or green. Always aim for green, unless it means totally changing the post.
    • Focus Keyphrase: The focus keyphrase is the phrase that someone would google in order to find this post. It also should include words in the title, the first line of post, and in the metadata description (more info below).
    • SEO Title: Make this fit into the Google preview bring shown. You can delete the pre-made builds and costumize
    • Metadata Description: Include the keyphrase in the description and make sure in the length is 106 – 141 characters – the line below it will be green.
    • If the SEO is still red or orange, drop down the option SEO analysis and make edits to increase the score.