
Why Trump is Bad for Jewish Americans & Israel

May 17, 2024

Your Call To Action: Use these talking points to become a JDCA surrogate in your community, to push back against Republican lies and misinformation, and to show people why Donald Trump is bad for Jewish Americans and bad for Israel.

Key Messages

  1. Donald Trump threatens our democracy. Trump is a self-proclaimed aspiring dictator who has repeatedly assaulted America’s democracy and democratic institutions, including by inciting a deadly insurrection on January 6, for which he was impeached, and committing fraud in the 2020 election, for which he faces multiple indictments.
  2. Donald Trump threatens our freedoms.  Trump recently affirmed that, if reelected, he would deploy the military against civilians for mass deportations, enact extreme anti-abortion laws nationwide, and refused to rule out weaponizing the Justice Department to target his political opponents.
  3. Donald Trump has a long history of antisemitic rhetoric. He repeats antisemitic tropes and stereotypes and disparages the vast majority of Jewish Americans, accusing us of hating Israel and our religion because we will not support his extremism.
  4. Donald Trump aligns with and emboldens dangerous right-wing extremists. In 2017, Trump infamously equated neo-Nazis with peaceful protestors, proclaiming there were “very fine people, on both sides.” In the 2020 presidential debate, he blatantly refused to condemn white supremacy and instead incited right-wing extremists, the Proud Boys, to “stand back and stand by,” which they did on January 6. Trump hosted neo-Nazi Nick Fuentes and put extremists like Steve Bannon and Sebastian Gorka in positions of power.
  5. Trump is bad for Israel’s safety and security. Trump’s foreign policy is based on what is best for himself, not what is best for America or our allies, and the GOP follows Trump’s lead. They delayed critical aid to Israel and Ukraine for six months despite October 7 and despite Russia’s continued aggression. Trump mocked Israel and praised terrorists after October 7, called on Israel to “finish up” the war in Gaza without recognizing the more than 100 hostages, and has said he supports transforming U.S. foreign aid, including to Israel, into loans. His former national security advisor, John Bolton, saidTrump’s support for Israel in the first term is not guaranteed in the second term, because Trump’s positions are made on the basis of what’s good for Donald Trump, not on some coherent theory of national security.”
  6. Trump’s rhetoric mirrors that of Adolf Hitler. Trump has embraced a campaign of fascist rhetoric unlike any we have seen before in the United States. The language he is using in this campaign mirrors the words of Hitler and Mussolini, attacking and dehumanizing immigrants and his political opponents. He praises fascists and dictators like Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong Un, and Viktor Orban, and he’s acting more and more like them.
  7. Trump would institute a national abortion ban. Trump brags that he was able to “kill Roe v. Wade” and said that he would let Republican-controlled states monitor women’s pregnancies and prosecute those who violate abortion bans. He would outlaw prescriptions for medication abortion being delivered to patients through the mail, and has previously indicated support for a national abortion ban. Trump is taking away Americans’ rights and he will continue to attack our reproductive freedom.

WATCH: JDCA CEO Halie Soifer responds to Trump’s antisemitic comments on March 19, 2024.
Key Message: “The feeling is mutual,” and Jewish voters will continue to fight for our democracy and freedoms by reelecting Joe Biden and rejecting Trump’s extremism.

WATCH: JDCA PAC’s first ad of the 2024 election cycle highlighted Joe Biden’s strong support for Israel and Jewish Americans following Hamas’s October 7 attacks.


WATCH: JDCA PAC’s ad, ‘Day One’ highlights Donald Trump’s own words and the threats he poses to our democracy and rights.