
When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.

June 14, 2024

did you catch JDCA CEO Halie Soifer’s closing statement in her debate against a former Trump spokesperson at AJC’s Global Forum?

It’s worth repeating, given the stark contrast between President Biden and Donald Trump and the stakes in this critically important election.

Maya Angelou famously said, “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” Whether it’s equating neo-Nazis with peaceful protestors, declaring there were “very fine people, on both sides,” as he did after Charlottesville, dining with white supremacist leader Nick Fuentes and Kanye West in Mar-a-Lago, quoting Hitler and reportedly saying “he did some good things,” Donald Trump has shown us exactly who he is time and time again

As has President Biden, and the contrast could not be more stark. This past weekend, President Biden welcomed the heroic rescue of four Israeli hostages and pledged to not stop working until all the hostages are home. Donald Trump also mentioned those he refers to as hostages. Are they the more than 100 Israelis, Americans, and others being held by Hamas? No. He’s referring to incarcerated January 6 insurrectionists. That’s who he is. And the American people, the Jewish people, and Israel deserve far better from a U.S. president, and we have far better – he’s currently in the White House. 

President Biden recently said that democracy begins with each of us. He’s right. It could also end with each of us. And we each have a responsibility to defend it at the ballot box in November. 

Watch and share our closing statement from ‘The Great Debate’ at AJC’s Global Forum, support JDCA PAC’s work to reelect President Biden, and support JDCA PAC’s efforts to ensure Democrats win.

Biden ''Defending Democracy'' Vs. Trump ''Dictator on Day One''


Election Day is 143 days away, and we’re hosting phone banks in seven key states and districts in the coming weeks to get out the Jewish vote in support of Democrats who share our values. Join us!

Thank you for your partnership and support of JDCA. Together, we’re going to reelect President Biden and elect Democrats who share our values.

Shabbat Shalom,

Hon. Ron Klein
Board Chair, Jewish Democratic Council of America

Halie Soifer
CEO, Jewish Democratic Council of America