
Trump’s Project 2025: What You Need to Know

July 12, 2024

By now, you’ve likely heard of Project 2025 – Donald Trump’s documented plan to gut America’s system of checks and balances, remove civil rights protections, dismantle whole government agencies, and further restrict reproductive rights. It is steeped in Christian nationalist ideals and poses a clear and present danger to democracy, which means it threatens Jewish Americans.

We all have the ability to ensure that Project 2025 never sees the light of day by defeating Trump and MAGA Republicans at the ballot box in November.

The Project 2025 Presidential Transition Project is Donald Trump’s road map for the far-right to denigrate our democracy and freedoms and dismantle and weaponize arms of the U.S. government. It is not a theory — it’s more of a dark agenda, all mapped out in writing. When Trump tells you who he is and what he’ll do as president, we must believe him.

Join JDCA next week – in the midst of the Republican National Convention – to discuss the danger posed by Project 2025 with Congressman Jamie Raskin (MD-8) and political commentator, YouTuber, and author Brian Tyler Cohen on Wednesday, July 17 at 12:00 P.M. ET. Click here or on the image below to sign-up.

SIGN UP: Project 2025: Trump's Plan to Dismantle Democracy

As the voice and political home of Jewish American voters, advocating for policies and supporting Democrats who share our values, JDCA’s mission is more important in this election than ever before.

Earlier this week, JDCA fulfilled this mission as the only Jewish organization invited to testify before the Democratic Platform Drafting Committee. We emphasized the policy priorities of Jewish Americans and gave voice to our shared values as the Democratic Policy Platform is finalized ahead of the Democratic National Convention.

In JDCA’s testimony, we emphasized our strong support for President Biden’s and Democrats’ support of the U.S.-Israel relationship and leadership in combating antisemitism. This was the second time JDCA provided input to the Platform Drafting Committee, and we’re confident the final Democratic Party Platform will represent the views and values of the vast majority of American Jews.

Watch and share our full testimony.

Join us, take action, support JDCA PAC to elect Democrats, and defend democracy.

Shabbat Shalom,

Hon. Ron Klein
Board Chair, Jewish Democratic Council of America

Halie Soifer
CEO, Jewish Democratic Council of America