Time for Leadership
The fundamental purpose of government is to keep us safe, and – as if we needed any more proof – it’s abundantly clear that those at the top of our government have failed us in preparing and responding to this public health crisis. We welcome President Trump’s emergency declaration this afternoon, but wish it had come sooner. Additional action is now needed to protect the health and the well-being of all Americans. Each passing day the Trump administration fails to act to put the necessary emergency measures – and widespread testing – in place has put more Americans at risk.
If there’s one thing that coronavirus has demonstrated, it’s that we are an interconnected world, and we have to work together to combat this virus. Closing our borders to 26 countries in Europe will do little to mitigate the risk, especially while we’re not doing enough testing to know the scope of the outbreak in America.

Meanwhile, President Trump and his administration have limited the flow of public information on the coronavirus, putting more Americans at risk. There has been a lack of transparency surrounding the number of tests being conducted and steps the administration is taking to combat the ongoing outbreak in the United States. Join us in demanding transparency about this public health crisis by clicking on the image below to sign a petition.
We stand with you – and all Americans – and are confident that, together, we will overcome this crisis. We will be updating you in the coming days about ways we can take action together digitally to organize and work to bring about change in November. Stay tuned for our digital organizing updates to come.
Ron Klein,
Board Chair, Jewish Democratic Council of America
Halie Soifer
Executive Director, Jewish Democratic Council of America