
The Jewish Case for Biden and Democrats

June 11, 2024

This morning, I was honored to participate in AJC’s Global Forum, where I joined their “Great Debate,” contrasting President Biden and Democrats’ strong record of delivering for Jewish Americans with the dangers posed by Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans. The purpose of the debate was to discuss issues of importance to Jewish voters in advance of the election, including antisemitism and Israel.

In my opening statement, I explained why the 2024 election is different from previous elections:

  1. The stakes of this election are higher than ever before.
  2. The positions of the two candidates have never been more clear or divergent.
  3. Both candidates have been president before and can – and should – be judged on their records.

Watch my full opening statement here.

Here are some of the most important takeaways from the debate:

1. Joe Biden is a self-declared Zionist. Donald Trump is a self-declared “dictator on day one.” AJC’s latest polling confirms that Jewish voters continue to overwhelmingly support President Biden and reject Donald Trump. I was asked at the debate if the Jewish vote would play a critical role in President Biden’s victory in 2024, as it did in 2020. The answer — an emphatic yes. Watch my response about why Jewish voters will continue to support President Biden.

2. Donald Trump’s support for Israel “is not guaranteed in the second term.” That’s a direct quote from Trump’s former national security advisor, John Bolton, in the New York Times: “Trump’s support for Israel in the second term is not guaranteed because Trump’s positions are made on the basis of what’s good for Donald Trump, not on some coherent theory of national security.” Trump’s support for Israel is determined solely by whether it benefits him, not Israeli or American national security interests.

3. Joe Biden’s commitment to defending Israel, including against the threat posed by Iran, is ironclad. President Biden deployed two aircraft carriers to the region in advance of Iran’s unprecedented direct attack on Israel on April 13, when he deployed the U.S. military to defend Israel from a direct Iranian attack and intercept ballistic missiles. During the debate, I outlined how President Biden stood by Israel in the face of Iran’s attack.

4. When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time. Whether it’s calling neo-Nazis in Charlottesville “very fine people,” emboldening white supremacists and antisemites, quoting Hitler and reportedly saying he “did some good things,” or repeatedly attacking the overwhelming majority of Jewish Americans, Donald Trump has shown us exactly who he is time and time again. Just listen to his own words. When Trump talks about hostages, he’s not referring to those horrifically taken and still being held by Hamas on October 7. He’s talking about incarcerated January 6 insurrectionists.

Donald Trump has shown us exactly who he is. So has Joe Biden, whose words and actions are aligned with the views and values of the overwhelming majority of Jewish Americans.

I encourage you to watch the full debate and share it with your networks, especially undecided or apathetic Jewish voters! As President Biden recently said, democracy begins with each of us. He’s right, and we all have an obligation to defend it at the ballot box in November.


In solidarity,

Halie Soifer
CEO, Jewish Democratic Council of America