
Summer Solstice Message

June 21, 2024

Longer summer days mean one thing: more time to call and engage Jewish voters to impact the outcome of this critically important election in just 136 days. We hope you’ll join our efforts to get out the Jewish vote for Democrats who share our values.

Yesterday was the longest day of the year, but if Donald Trump wins in November, the day after the election will feel even longer – as will every day of his presidency – just as we experienced four years ago. It’s up to us to make sure we never again experience the endless, dangerous days of a second Trump term. This isn’t hyperbole – Trump has pledged to be a dictator. Who knows if he’d even adhere to term limits?

We have work to do, and the longest days of the year are the perfect time to get involved. More time to make more calls!

During June and July, JDCA is hosting over a dozen events in the country’s most important states and districts, listed below, including:

  • Phone banks for George Latimer in NY-16’s Democratic primary on Tuesday;
  • An issues forum in the Democratic primary for the AZ-1 race; and
  • Phone banks in the battleground states of Arizona, Nevada, Florida, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

Sign up to call Jewish voters in key states and districts to ensure victory for Democrats in the House, Senate, and the White House.

You can participate no matter where you live.


We hope you continue your involvement with our work. If you are not already a member, please join JDCA as a member for just $18/month. You’ll gain access to exclusive JDCA members-only events like our upcoming post-presidential Debate Schmooze with Representative Debbie Wasserman-Schultz on Friday, July 28.


JDCA prides itself on hosting premiere events for Jewish voters across the country, giving people the opportunity to get involved in advocacy, mobilize Jewish voters, and elect Democrats, all of which align with our core values. From our Leadership Summit featuring top Democratic elected officials and political leaders to our community conversations in response to the war in Israel to our phone banks, we continue to be the political home for Jewish voters.

Here are some specific opportunities to take action with JDCA:

  • NY-16 Phone Bank for George Latimer: The NY Primary is June 25, and we’re calling Jewish voters in NY-16 to elect George Latimer, who shares our values.
  • Wisconsin Volunteer Recruitment Phone Bank: Join our Wisconsin chapter’s phone bank to recruit more Jewish voters to get out the vote for Democrats in November.
  • Arizona Volunteer Recruitment Phone Bank : JDCA’s Arizona Chapter will call and recruit fellow Jewish and Democratic Arizonans to join our work getting out the Jewish vote throughout the state.
  • Pennsylvania Phone Bank: JDCA and the Democratic Jewish Outreach of Pennsylvania (DJOP) are calling Jewish voters to ensure we reelect Sen. Bob Casey, President Biden, and other Democrats.
  • Ohio Phone Bank: Join us in getting out the Jewish vote for Sen. Sherrod Brown and President Biden.
  • AZ-1 Democratic Primary Candidate Forum : JDCA will host the candidates running in the AZ-1 Democratic primary for a candidate issues forum, where Democratic candidates will address the issues of importance to Jewish voters.
  • Michigan Phone Bank: Sign up to join Jewish Dems in getting out the vote in Michigan for Senate candidate Rep. Elissa Slotkin and for President Biden.
  • Florida Phone Bank: Join JDCA’s Florida Chapter every Thursday starting July 18 to phone bank for Florida Democrata in some of the most competitive races this year.

Democracy is not a spectator sport, and engaging voters makes a difference. Sign up for one or more of our phone banks today.

Shabbat Shalom,

Hon. Ron Klein,
Board Chair, Jewish Democratic Council of America

Halie Soifer
CEO, Jewish Democratic Council of America