Press Release

Jewish Voters Support the Pursuit of Justice in Trump Criminal Case

May 30, 2024

WASHINGTON – Following Donald Trump’s conviction on 34 felony charges, Halie Soifer, CEO of the Jewish Democratic Council of America, released the following statement:

“Today’s verdict demonstrates that no one – including a former president and presumptive presidential nominee – is above the law. A core Jewish value includes the pursuit of justice. Justice was served today in New York with Donald Trump found guilty of all 34 felony charges.

“More than three out of four of Jewish American voters (77%) had an unfavorable view of Donald Trump before these convictions, and we are confident that number will now grow given that he’s no longer just an insurrectionist who pledges to be a ‘dictator on day one’ – he’s now also a convicted felon.  

“Donald Trump is an affront to our Jewish values, which is why Jewish voters will once again overwhelmingly reject him and support Joe Biden: a president who shares the priorities of Jewish Americans, including the defense of democracy, rule of law, and pursuit of justice. Jewish voters understand that a second Trump term would be an assault on our democracy, and we will do everything we can to ensure this convicted felon never again sets foot in the Oval Office.

“Donald Trump had his day in court. Jewish voters will soon have their day at the ballot box.”


Press Contact: Blake Goodman, [email protected], (202) 531-6404