Press Release

In New Ad, JDCA Links Trump to Hitler and Other Dictators

September 4, 2024

Ad Reminds Jewish Voters What Happens
“When Leaders Use Hate to Consolidate Power”

WASHINGTON – A new ad campaign targeting Jewish voters in swing states seeks to remind Jewish voters of the stakes of this election by demonstrating ties between Donald Trump and dictators, his use of hate in campaign rhetoric, and his threats to democracy. The ad, which does not make any references to the Holocaust, is the third time JDCA PAC has created an ad demonstrating the parallels between the rise of Donald Trump’s MAGA movement and Nazism, as well as Donald Trump’s use of hate speech and alignment with dictators. The ad, released today by the Jewish Democratic Council of America (JDCA)’s PAC, can be viewed here.

The 30-second spot includes direct quotes from Donald Trump pledging to be “a dictator on day one” and claiming that “any Jewish person that votes for Democrats hates their religion.” The ad concludes with a stark call to action, telling Jewish voters, “The time to stand up to hate and fascism is now, before it’s too late.”

The new ad brings JDCA PAC’s current ad campaign spend to nearly half a million dollars of ads targeting millions of Jewish voters via OpenWeb, social media, and connected TV streaming platforms in seven states: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. JDCA PAC plans to spend more than a million dollars on targeted ads in this election cycle to drive the Jewish vote for Democrats. This is in addition to its direct voter engagement efforts reaching more than two million Jewish voters in battleground states via phone, text, and canvassing.

Halie Soifer, JDCA CEO and former National Security Advisor to then-Sen. Harris, said, “Donald Trump is an antisemite. He has repeatedly disparaged the vast majority of American Jews and continues to denigrate millions of Jewish voters. He aspires to be a dictator and has echoed Adolf Hilter, whom he reportedly said ‘did some good things.’ He has blatantly refused to condemn white supremacy, aligned with neo-Nazis, and instructed his Christian supporters that they’ll only have to vote this once and never again. Donald Trump is not only a threat to democracy but also to Jewish Americans, for whom he clearly has animus. Years of history cannot erase the ominous similarities between Trump’s rise to power and the rise of fascism in Europe in the 1930s. The stakes of this election could not be more clear for Jewish voters – it’s a choice between a dangerous aspiring dictator or democracy. Between someone whose views are antithetical – and a clear threat – to Jewish Americans, and someone who aligns with our community on every issue. This is why the vast majority of Jewish voters will support Kamala Harris and Tim Walz.”

JDCA is the voice and political home of Jewish voters and, along with JDCA PAC, is the only national organization solely engaging Jewish voters in support of Democrats. JDCA convenes Jewish Americans, including at the DNC in Chicago, and reaches voters across the country to get out the Jewish vote for Democrats.


Media Contact
Blake Goodman
[email protected]; (202) 531-6404