The News

Article The Jewish News: Soifer Shares Insights on Night One of Debates
Article NY Jewish Week: On Trump’s Nativist Turn, ‘This Feels Different’
Article i24 News: Halie Soifer on the Spin Room
Article JNS: Pro-Israel groups slam Omar comparing BDS to boycotts of Nazi Germany, Soviet Union
Article Algemeiner: Top Jewish Groups Condemn Trump Over Comments Targeting Minority Congresswomen
Article ThinkProgress: Yes, Trump is a Racist
Article Background Briefing with Ian Masters
Article Newsweek: Jewish Groups Condemn Trump for Using Israel as a “Shield” to “Echo Talking Points of White Nationalism”
Article Times of Israel: Daily Kickoff: July 16, 2019
Article Haaretz: U.S. Jewish Groups Condemn Trump’s ‘Racist’ Tweets Against Democratic Congresswomen
Article JPost: How Jews Have Reacted to Trump’s Tweets Targeting Democratic Congresswomen
Article CNN: American Jews don’t want to be Trump’s political pawns
Article JTA: How Jews have reacted to Trump’s tweet targeting some Democratic congresswomen
Article Times of Israel: Jewish Dem slams Trump’s ‘attempt to use Israel as a diversion’
Article Jerusalem Post: Opposes BDS, supports rejoining the nuclear deal: What’s Kamala Harris’s record on Israel?
Article Jewish Journal: Halie Soifer: President Donald Trump is the Cancer During These Divisive Times
Article NY Jewish Week: From Iowa To New Hampshire, Israel Policy In Play
Article i24 News: JDCA Executive Director Halie Soifer discusses 2020 Candidates and Israel
Article JNS: Pro-Israel groups rebuke White House invitation to cartoonist with record of anti-Semitic work
Article Politico: Florida Playbook
Article Washington Jewish Week: Va. House of Delegates candidate under fire for anti-Semitic meme
Article Jerusalem Post: Debbie Schultz ‘Glad to Hear’ Candidates would Negotiate Nuclear Deal
Article Jewish Journal: Rep. Wasserman Schultz Praises Warren, Harris in Democratic Debates
Article JNS: At first Democratic presidential debate, Mideast issues take backseat to domestic concerns
Article Newsweek: Jared Kushner Ignores Israeli Occupation as he Unveils Palestinian Development Plan
Article NBC: Halie Soifer: Trump’s new Iran sanctions are as erratic as everything else he’s done so far
Article NY Jewish Week: U.S.’ Israel Policy Poised For Airing By Democrats
Article Jewish Insider: Daily Kickoff: Jewish Dems vs. Ron Lauder
Article JTA: Liberal pro-Israel groups accuse Israeli envoy of politicizing US support of Israel
Article NY Jewish Week: Abortion Animating Jewish Activists As 2020 Looms

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