
Jpost: Dem lawmaker does U-turn, condemns Farrakhan’s anti-Semitic speech

March 9, 2018

US Rep. Danny Davis denounced Louis Farrakhan on Thursday for an antisemitic speech he delivered more than a week ago, after initially expressing support for the long-time hate preacher.

The Democrat lawmaker from Illinois described Nation of Islam leader Farrakhan’s remarks, uttered at the group’s annual Savior’s Day event in Chicago, as bigoted, and said that he opposes all forms racism…

The Jewish Democratic Council of America issued a statement, welcoming the Davis’ clarification. “We appreciate Rep. Danny Davis’ (D-IL) statement last night denouncing the anti-Semitic rhetoric of hate preacher Louis Farrakhan. Farrakhan for decades has directed vitriol at Jews, women, LGBT people and other groups. We all, especially our leaders, must stand firmly against his bigoted words, and those of all hate-mongers,” the statement read.