
Jewish Insider: Driving The Convo — A New Wave Of Democrats Tests The Party’s Blanket Support For Israel

October 9, 2018

Rouda, backed by the mainstream Jewish Democratic Council of America as well as J Street, says he does not support the federal Israel Anti-Boycott Act. Rouda further stated he’s not concerned about declining Democratic support for Israel. “I don’t see a shift, personally,” he said, “In fact, I’m a little more worried about the white nationalists that are part of the Republican Party moving more in a direction that is anti-Israel than anything I’ve seen in the Democratic Party.”


INBOX TRAFFIC — Both the Republican Jewish Coalition and the Jewish Democratic Council of America focused in on the upcoming elections in their communication regarding Kavanaugh’s confirmation as Supreme Court Justice on Saturday.


JDCA’s Halie Soifer: “[Saturday’s] vote is a stark demonstration of the importance of elections and the undeniable reality that elections matter. The Jewish Democratic Council of America understands that nothing less than the future of our democracy is at risk, and are more determined than ever to vote our values – and support Democratic candidates – in November.”