
Jerusalem Post: Trump to issue executive order to fight antisemitism on college campuses

December 11, 2019

By Omri Nahmias and Mayan Jaffe-Hoffman 

Jewish Democratic Council of America executive director Halie Soifer instead called the president a hypocrite.
“It is the height of hypocrisy for President Trump to sign an executive order that he claims will combat antisemitism,” Soifer said, accusing Trump of being “more interested in symbolic gestures that politicize Israel and use Jews as political pawns than actually doing something meaningful to ensure our security and that of Israel.

“The timing of this signing reveals this is a PR stunt, plain and simple,” she noted. “If President Trump truly wanted to address the scourge of antisemitism he helped to create, he would accept responsibility for his role emboldening white nationalism, perpetuating antisemitic conspiracy theories, and repeating stereotypes that have led to violence targeting Jews.”