
Jerusalem Post: Jewish Democrats praise Ellison for remarks against Farrakhan

March 20, 2018

Jewish Democrats on Monday praised Muslim Rep. Keith Ellison after he issued a strong statement denouncing antisemitic hate preacher Louis Farrakhan.

“Ellison’s statement leaves no ambiguity that he does not accept Farrakhan’s hateful and divisive preaching and we appreciate him reiterating this conviction,” The Jewish Democratic Council of America (JDCA) told The Jerusalem Post.

“We expect our politicians to disavow him, as part of their commitment to equality and the fight against antisemitism,” the statement added…

The JDCA, which defines itself as “the voice for Jewish Democrats” with “socially liberal, pro-Israel values,” also welcomed Ellison’s commitment to fighting against antisemitism and other forms of hatred.

“As an organization and wider community, we strive to reach across religious and racial divisions to work for mutual understanding and social justice,” the council said.

“American Jews and African Americans are long-standing partners in the fight to create a more equitable and inclusive country. JDCA will continue to build on this legacy, and is pleased that Rep. Ellison and other members of Congress are equally committed,” the organization added.