
JDCA Tells Congress to Reject Partisan GOP Bill

May 15, 2024

As the political home of Jewish Democrats, JDCA advocates for the priorities of Jewish American voters, including strong support of Israel. For months, we have opposed Republican games and delays when it comes to U.S. aid to Israel, and late last week, Republican House Leadership unveiled their latest stunt, the Israel Security Assistance Support Act, which the House will vote on this week. Today, we contacted every Democratic member of Congress and urged them to vote NO.


JDCA does not support cuts or conditions on U.S. military aid to Israel. As National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said on Monday, “The United States has sent a massive amount of military assistance to Israel to defend itself against all threats, including Hamas, Hizballah, and Iran and its other proxies. We are continuing to send military assistance, and we will ensure that Israel receives the full amount provided in the supplemental.” In this regard, just yesterday, the Biden administration moved forward with a $1 billion arms package for Israel.

There are reasons to disagree with the administration’s recent decision to halt a single arms transfer to Israel. JDCA opposes conditions on aid to Israel, but this Republican bill is not a serious effort to support Israel. They crafted this legislation in a cynical attempt to politicize U.S. support of Israel. Republicans are in no position to attack the administration when they are the ones responsible for delaying the emergency supplemental aid package for Israel for six months, and their bill does nothing to further Israel’s security.

President Biden said he would veto this partisan bill. As the White House has said, “This bill could raise serious concerns about infringement on the President’s authorities under Article II of the Constitution, including his duties as Commander-in-Chief and Chief Executive and his power to conduct foreign relations. The President has been clear: we will always ensure Israel has what it needs to defend itself. Our commitment to Israel is ironclad.”

In solidarity,

Halie Soifer
CEO, Jewish Democratic Council of America