
It’s time for action. Are you ready?

June 17, 2024

Have you been asking, “What can we do to ensure Joe Biden and Democrats win in 2024?” It’s one of the most common questions we receive when speaking with Jewish voters across the country.

No matter where you live, the answer is the same: You can take action and get involved with our efforts in every battleground state. As the only national organization exclusively targeting Jewish voters in support of Democrats, JDCA has made – and will continue to make – a critical difference, and we hope you’ll join us. 

JDCA is hosting over a dozen events in the coming weeks in the country’s most important states and districts. We’re also taking action in House races that will be determined in the next eight days, such as supporting George Latimer in NY-16’s Democratic primary, where he’s seeking to unseat Democratic incumbent Jamal Bowman. 

Sign up to make calls to key states and districts to ensure the Jewish vote continues to deliver victory for Democrats in the House, Senate, and the White House.

We see the impact of our volunteer outreach on key races time after time. Earlier this year, JDCA supporters engaged Jewish voters – 11% of that district – in supporting Tom Suozzi, helping propel him to victory in the NY-03 special election. 

In the coming weeks, our chapters will call and text thousands of Jewish voters in the most important battleground states and districts, including Arizona, Nevada, Florida, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. With your help, we will have an impact in these states in November’s election, which is just 140 days away. Join us.

Here are some of your opportunities to take action with JDCA:

  • Virginia Volunteer Recruitment Phone Bank: Join our Virginia chapter’s phone bank to recruit more Jewish Virginians to get out the vote for Democrats in November.
  • Florida Phone Bank and Schmooze: Come to schmooze, stay for the phone calls. Join our Florida chapter to ensure Jewish voters in Florida support Democrats.
  • NY-16 Phone Bank for George Latimer: The NY Primary is June 25, and we’re calling Jewish voters in NY-16 to elect George Latimer, who shares our values.
  • Wisconsin Volunteer Recruitment Phone Bank: Join our Wisconsin chapter’s phone bank to recruit more Jewish voters to get out the vote for Democrats in November.
  • Arizona Volunteer Recruitment Phone Bank: JDCA’s Arizona Chapter will call and recruit fellow Jewish and Democratic Arizonans to join our work getting out the Jewish vote throughout the state.
  • Pennsylvania Phone Bank: JDCA and the Democratic Jewish Outreach of Pennsylvania (DJOP) are calling Jewish voters to ensure we reelect Sen. Bob Casey, President Biden, and other Democrats. 
  • Ohio Phone Bank: Join us in getting out the Jewish vote for Sen. Sherrod Brown and President Biden.
  • AZ-1 Democratic Primary Candidate Forum: JDCA will host the candidates running in the AZ-1 Democratic primary for a candidate issues forum, where Democratic candidates will address the issues of importance to Jewish voters. 
  • Michigan Phone Bank: Sign up to join Jewish Dems in getting out the vote in Michigan for Senate candidate Rep. Elissa Slotkin and for President Biden.

President Biden recently said that democracy begins with each of us. He’s right, and it could also end with us. By joining a JDCA phone bank, you can help ensure voters across the country are ready to defend democracy at the ballot box by supporting President Biden and Democrats.

One shift in one state can make the difference. Sign up for one or more of our phone banks today.

In solidarity,

Halie Soifer
CEO, Jewish Democratic Council of America