
Democracy or Dictatorship. Our Choice.

July 19, 2024

If Donald Trump’s 93 minutes of vitriol, delusion, threats, and dangerous policies were too much last night at the Republican National Convention (RNC), imagine another four years. It’s terrifying. That’s why we’re doing everything we can to get out the vote for Democrats who share our values and defeat those who threaten our democracy at the ballot box, starting with Donald Trump.

This week may have been a tough one when it comes to the headlines, but JDCA had an important and impactful week engaging voters across the country. More than 1,400 of you signed up to join our event on Project 2025 with Rep. Jamie Raskin and Brian Tyler Cohen, including nearly 700 new to JCDA. Welcome to our movement! We convened JDCA events in person in Massachusetts, Minnesota, and Colorado, and made nearly 40,000 direct voter contacts in Pennsylvania, Nevada, Michigan, Arizona, and Florida. We’re doing it again next week in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Nevada.

Join us! Now isn’t the time for angst. It’s the time for action.

Importantly, we also helped to shape the Democratic Party Platform, ensuring it is aligned with the views and values of Jewish voters, especially strong support of Israel. JDCA was the only Jewish organization to testify before the Platform Drafting Committee, and we’re thrilled the Platform passed this week with our recommendations. We’re doing the work and having a measurable impact, and we hope you’ll join us by supporting this work and getting involved. Click the links below and keep reading for more.


This week, JDCA hosted Rep. Jamie Raskin and political commentator Brian Tyler Cohen to discuss Project 2025, Trump and Republicans’ blueprint for a far-right government takeover. It is effectively the Republican Policy Platform, and we cannot afford to look away. Rep. Raskin and Brian Tyler Cohen discussed the grave threat Project 2025 poses to American democracy, and we encourage you to watch and share with others who have to understand the choice voters face at the ballot box – it’s not just about the candidates; it’s about democracy vs. dictatorship.

As Brian Tyler Cohen said, “The most chilling part of Project 2025 is that it would seek to place the entire executive branch under direct presidential control, which would eliminate the independence of the DOJ, the FBI, the FCC, and on and on.”

Christian nationalist ideas are, as Rep. Raskin said, “the heart and soul of the Project 2025 mission.” If Trump wins, he will enact Project 2025 and end the separation of church and state, thereby threatening the rights of religious minorities. Watch and share the recording of this discussion so everyone knows about Trump and Republicans’ destructive agenda.

Brian Tyler Cohen ended our event this week with a message for us all: In Wisconsin in 2020, “the difference between a Biden win and a Trump win was two votes per precinct. That’s it. It does not take a lot to be able to flip an election.”

We’ve already won two House elections this year. With your support, we’re going to win again in 108 days. Our work contacting voters in key battleground states where the Jewish vote will help deliver victory for Democrats is underway. Join us.

Thank you for your continued support and partnership.

Shabbat Shalom,

Hon. Ron Klein
Board Chair, Jewish Democratic Council of America

Halie Soifer
CEO, Jewish Democratic Council of America