
Defending Our Values From Extremists

January 23, 2023

As Jewish Democrats, we are committed to defending our democratic and Jewish values  at home and abroad. Jewish Dems are calling out dangerous extremism and standing up for democracy in the U.S. and Israel because we are committed to the safety and security of both countries. Some examples from the past few days are enclosed below.


JDCA stands with Israelis who are concerned about extremist members of the current Israeli government whose bigoted statements, and the policies they espouse, run counter to our shared values. JDCA urges the new Israeli coalition to remain true to the shared values that are foundational to our bilateral relationship, including the defense of democracy and minority rights.

In the spirit of the close relationship between the U.S. and Israel, and with recognition of Israel’s security concerns, it is entirely appropriate for any American, including lawmakers, to express concern about the policies, rhetoric, or actions of the new Israeli government with which they disagree, including those that run counter to our shared democratic values or jeopardize prospects for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. A strong U.S.-Israel relationship must be grounded in our shared democratic values, and we stand with the tens of thousands of Israelis protesting policies of the new government inconsistent with those values. Read our full statement on the new Israeli government from last week below.



Today, House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries formally nominated Reps. Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell to continue their service on the Select Committee on Intelligence, despite Kevin McCarthy’s vow to enact hypocritical and vindictive punishment by removing them, along with Rep. Ilhan Omar from the House Committee on Foreign Affairs. McCarthy doesn’t realize that by punishing Democrats, he is proving that the GOP has no respect for good governance or democratic norms.

In recent years, the GOP has become the political home of extremists who threatened our democracy, other members of Congress, and minority communities including the Jewish community. Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene and Paul Gosar continue to make violent threats against elected officials, yet McCarthy has embraced them both. He recently welcomed them back onto congressional committees, empowering election deniers, violent insurrectionists, and extremists.

We call out antisemitism and extremism wherever it exists. However, there is no equivalence between the two parties on this issue. The Democrats whom McCarthy seeks to remove from committee assignments have never advocated for attacking our democracy or murdering their colleagues. Join us and let McCarthy know that we will not stand for this hypocrisy and that these three Democratic representatives must remain on their committees. Take action with JDCA by clicking below.


Join us in our fight to defend our values and thank you for your continued support and partnership.


Halie Soifer
CEO, Jewish Democratic Council of America