
Become a Member of JDCA in 2022

January 24, 2022

One year ago, we celebrated President Biden’s inauguration with the hope of restoring the soul of our nation and returning values and leadership to the White House. We also celebrated this historic inflection point for our country by launching JDCA’s annual membership, and we’re reaching out today asking you to become a member in 2022. It’s a new year, and we have critically important advocacy and political work to do together, including defending our democracy and the Democratic majorities in the Senate and House.

Last year, JDCA members participated in JDCA’s Week of Action, where we met with 81 members of Congress in support of protecting voting rights, combating antisemitism and extremism, and supporting the U.S.-Israel relationship. We also won key elections, including in the Ohio-11 Democratic primary and defeating the California gubernatorial recall.

In this important election year, we hope you’ll consider becoming a Member of JDCAAfter helping to flip the House, Senate, and White House from red to blue since 2018, Jewish Dems have a critical role to play in the 2022 midterms, and we need your ongoing partnership and support. We hope you will continue to invest in our important advocacy and political work in 2022 by becoming a Member of JDCA today.

JDCA Membership includes exclusive access to special members-only programming, meetings with elected officials and experts, and opportunities to engage with JDCA leadership to discuss our organizational priorities and policy agenda. In 2021, we hosted a total of fifteen events exclusively for JDCA members, and these events will continue in 2022. JDCA Membership starts at $180 a year, or $18 a month between now and the November midterms. Please become a member today by clicking below, and thank you for your support.



All the best,

Hon. Ron Klein

Chair, Jewish Democratic Council of America

Halie Soifer

CEO, Jewish Democratic Council of America