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Jewish Journal: Jewish Democratic Council of America (JDCA) Condemns Upcoming Neo-Nazi Rally

August 10, 2018

Some Jewish groups are denouncing the upcoming “Unite the Right 2” white supremacist rally, which is happening a year after the infamous Charlottesville rally.

The Unite the Right 2 rally is taking place on August 12, where neo-Nazis and white supremacists will be marching from Freedom Plaza to Lafayette Square in front of the White House, where alt-right figures, such as known anti-Semite Paul Nehlen, will be speaking. Organizers of the rally have stated that swastika flags are not allowed, but American and Confederate flags are.

Jewish Democratic Council for America (JDCA) condemned the upcoming protest.

“The Jewish Democratic Council of America (JDCA) condemns in the strongest possible terms the Unite the Right rally in our nation’s capital this weekend,” the JDCA said in a statement. “This protest, marking one year since the horrific events in Charlottesville, promises to be another display of the racism, anti-Semitism, and bigotry that has grown in our country during the Trump administration. We implore protestors to demonstrate peacefully, and applaud the Metropolitan Police Department for taking every measure to prevent the rally from devolving into violence.”

The JDCA also denounced the various white supremacist and neo-Nazis running as Republicans in the November election.

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) is calling on people to “reject white supremacists’ message of hate.”

“Since Charlottesville, white supremacist violence has impacted communities across the country,” the ADL’s action page states. “But the backlash of everyday Americans against their hateful ideology has proven a strong deterrent. Together, America is stronger than hate and our values are stronger than bigotry.”