
The Case for Kamala Harris on Israel

September 27, 2024

We’re proud to support Kamala Harris because we know we can count on her to safeguard Israel, combat antisemitism, and stand with the vast majority of Jewish Americans on key issues, including defense of democracy and reproductive rights. She’s been a strong partner of our community and has advanced our values with meaningful action in the Senate and White House.

As they do every election, Republicans are politicizing U.S. support of Israel, attempting to use it as a wedge issue to divide Jewish voters in the election. It has not worked in past elections, and it’s not going to work again this year.

If you – or others in your network – are looking for more information about where Kamala Harris stands on Israel or antisemitism, please read and share the following.


Trump and Republicans continue to lie about everything, including Vice President Harris’s record on Israel and antisemitism. Here are the facts – Kamala Harris has never wavered in her support for Israel. After October 7, she was critical in providing more than $14.3 billion in security assistance for Israel and encouraging members of Congress to pass it. Remember – Republicans delayed this aid for six months, and Senator JD Vance voted against it twice. This week, the Biden-Harris administration announced $5.2 billion in military sales to Israel, including funding for enhanced missile defense. 

When Kamala Harris said, “I will always stand up for Israel’s right to defend itself,” she meant it, and she’s taking action every day to bring the hostages home and to keep Israelis safe. When she said, “When Jews are targeted because of their beliefs or identity, and when Israel is singled out because of anti-Jewish hatred, that is antisemitism, and that is unacceptable,” she meant it, and we’ve seen her words translated into action in the unprecedented Biden-Harris National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism. Read and share the truth about the actions Kamala Harris has taken to stand with Israel, combat antisemitism, and stand with Jewish Americans.


This week, we spoke with New York Governor Kathy Hochul about the stakes of the 2024 election, Donald Trump’s attack on Jewish Americans, Trump’s antisemitic comment preemptively blaming “the Jewish people” for losing the election, and the importance of the Jewish vote, including in important New York House races. We started the discussion with a simple question for Governor Hochul: What is at stake in this election for Jewish Americans? Here’s what she said:

“What is at stake? Everything is at stake. Life as we know it is at stake. Democracy is at stake, women’s rights are at stake, and the fate of Israel is at stake because [Trump] is a guy who has no trouble inviting the horrible, antisemitic people to dinner at Mar-a-Lago…

I’m so grateful to have an organization like [JDCA] to harness the power of the Jewish vote.”

It’s up to us to make sure everyone understands the stakes of this election so Jewish voters can make their decisions based on the facts and we all vote. Watch and share the discussion to hear more about how we can make a difference in November.

Join our movement and help us reach more Jewish voters in the battleground states that will decide this election.

Shabbat Shalom,

Hon. Ron Klein

Board Chair, Jewish Democratic Council of America

Halie Soifer

CEO, Jewish Democratic Council of America