
A win for Jewish and Democratic values

August 7, 2024

Last night, JDCA-endorsed candidate Wesley Bell won the Democratic primary in Missouri’s 1st Congressional District, defeating Democratic incumbent Rep. Cori Bush. This is the third race in 2024 in which JDCA has helped deliver victory for our endorsed candidates.

JDCA endorsed, supported, and got out the Jewish vote for Wesley Bell because he aligns with our Jewish values on every key issue, including Israel. Wesley Bell, in stark contrast to his opponent, put in the time and effort to understand the values and priorities of Jewish Americans. Throughout his distinguished career, Bell has served his community, fought injustice, and advanced our values. In Congress, Wesley Bell will defend democracy, protect abortion access, counter antisemitism, and work to maintain a strong U.S.-Israel relationship. We are inspired by his leadership and were proud to work alongside his campaign.

JDCA continues to make a critical difference in Democratic victories across the country, and we’ll continue this winning streak in November.

JDCA was part of the movement to get out the Jewish vote in Missouri. This primary election once again emphasized the strength of the Jewish community when we work together to elect Democrats who share our values. 

We couldn’t do this without you. Thank you for your support and engagement.