
The composition of the Supreme Court is on the ballot

July 1, 2024

Today, the Trump-appointed conservative majority Supreme Court ruled that a former president has broad immunity from prosecution. Imagine what this blatant political decision would mean if Donald Trump is reelected. Even worse, imagine the additional lifetime appointments he’d make to the Supreme Court in a second term.

As Justice Sotomayor warned us in her dissent, “the relationship between the President and the people he serves has shifted irrevocably. In every use of official power, the President is now a king above the law.” She signed her decision, “With fear for our democracy, I dissent.”

We share that fear, and as the political home and voice of Jewish voters, we are taking action to defend our democracy. Join us for a special event on Wednesday, July 3 at 12:00 p.m. ET/9:00 am PT with leading voting rights attorney Marc Elias to discuss how we will defend our democracy in 2024.

Trump’s Supreme Court justices have deeply damaged our democracy and freedoms by:

  • Overturning Roe v. Wade and 50 years of precedent, stripping reproductive rights from one in three women of reproductive age in the United States;
  • Overturning the Chevron decision and 40 years of precedent, gutting the federal government’s ability to effectively protect public health and keep our air clean;
  • Striking down a rule in place since 2017 banning bump stocks, a dangerous weapon of war; and
  • Overturning 46 years of precedent by ending affirmative action in higher education.

If Donald Trump is reelected, he could nominate up to four new Supreme Court justices, creating a MAGA majority that would last at least a generation.

Trump has promised to be a “dictator on day one.” He has promised a “bloodbath” if he loses the election. He has promised to “terminate” the Constitution. And now, the Supreme Court has given him the power to execute his vision.

The fate of our democracy is in our hands. President Joe Biden is a defender of democracy, and a second Biden term would mean Supreme Court justices who will defend democracy.

That’s why we work every day to reelect President Biden.

Together, we can and will continue to make a critical difference in this election.


Halie Soifer
CEO, Jewish Democratic Council of America