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President Biden, Vice President Harris, and Democratic leaders stand with Jewish Americans and Israel
Weekly Wrapup: June 28, 2024
More committed than ever before to winning this election We’re not going to sugarcoat it – the President had a bad debate. We wish it had gone differently, especially given the incredibly high stakes of this election. But one night doesn’t minimize the remarkable accomplishments of President Biden’s first term and public service, and his deep commitment to our… Continue Reading Arrow_Blue_Right
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Thank you, everyone here, for the work you are doing and the work you continue to do. This is work that is fueled by optimism…Let’s let that continue to fuel us as we do our work going forward.
Vice President Kamala Harris
By combining Jewish values with organizing and advocacy, you all have already played a key role in getting Democrats into office. I want to thank every single one of you for your commitment both to the Jewish community and to our shared future as a nation.
President Barack Obama
What JDCA has accomplished in less than 5 years time since its founding by my visionary former colleague Ron Klein is simply remarkable. JDCA is today a national electoral force and a voice for values-driven, progressive Jewish Democrats. Informing, energizing and mobilizing millions of voters in support of our Democratic agenda centered on justice and serving the people’s needs to give life to your beautiful commitment of tikkun olam—to repair the world—every day.
House Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi
It’s really remarkable what you've accomplished in the past six years… You've been a voice for Jewish Democrats at a time of profound change for our country.
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer

Who We Are

The Jewish Democratic Council of America (JDCA) is the voice of Jewish Democrats and socially-progressive, pro-Israel values. JDCA supports candidates and elected officials who share our policy positions, and advocates for policies that reflect Jewish and Democratic values.

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