
Elections Matter – Take Action with JDCA

February 19, 2021
Our thoughts are with the millions of Americans, including members of our Jewish Dems family, who are struggling this week amid the power outages, snow, and freezing temperatures in Texas and other states. This is a human-made disaster, stemming from a natural disaster, and responsibility lies with elected officials who abdicated their responsibilities and refused to invest in the safety and reliability of their energy infrastructure.
As Texans struggle to survive, Texas Senator Ted Cruz fled to Cancun for a vacation. Meanwhile, former Democratic Rep. Beto O’Rourke mobilized volunteers to make over 151,000 calls to ensure seniors in Texas were safe. O’Rourke showed us what responsible leaders do in times of crisis, and the difference between how Democrats and Republicans view the role of government.
The disaster in Texas is a stark reminder of just how much elections matter, and why the work of the Jewish Democratic Council of America (JDCA) is so important. Believe it or not, the 2022 midterm elections are already underway, and JDCA is already making a difference ensuring votes and voices are counted and heard.
JDCA is continuing to advocate for our values and will fight to elect candidates who share our values. Join us in this vital work by becoming a member, joining a state chapter, and taking action. Also, join our community conversation next Friday, February 26 at 2:00pm ET with experts including leading voting rights attorney Marc Elias about “Defending Democracy: The Fight Against Voter Suppression.”
Take action with Jewish Dems by urging your members of Congress to support legislation consistent with our Jewish and Democratic values.
SUPPORT IMMIGRATION REFORM: As JDCA Vice-Chair Barbara Goldman Goldberg wrote in her new op-ed, “With wise, methodical, intelligent, and compassionate strategies and approaches, we can achieve a safe, strong, and humane immigration system resulting in a prosperous, culturally rich, and diverse nation.” Jewish Dems understand the necessity of a comprehensive approach to immigration reform. Urge your members of Congress to pass the US Citizenship Act of 2021.
STOP VOTER SUPPRESSION: The GOP is launching an unprecedented assault on voting rights, and JDCA will continue to take action throughout the year to stop these efforts to deprive Americans of their voice and their vote. Join us and take the first step by signing our petition to stop voter suppression.
SUPPORT THE AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN: President Biden’s American Rescue Plan will deliver the relief Americans need as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to wreak immeasurable damage. Join Jewish Dems in calling on Congress to pass the Biden COVID-19 relief plan immediately. Click below to contact your member of Congress and call for a quick passage of the American Rescue Plan.